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FIP-IFP news

FIP-IFP President promotes FIP-IFP at APMA

[caption id="attachment_1330" align="alignleft" width="150"] APMA HOD and Legislative Conference 2017[/caption]   Dr. Matt Garoufalis, FIP-IFP president was invited at the House of Delegates of the American Podiatric Medical Association, a quite familiar spot for him as former president of the...

2017 AGM : information website

The FIP-IFP will celebrate its 70th anniversary during the 2017 AGM in Tübingen. Read more on the agenda, the accomodation and information on the galadinner :

Press release: ECP questions Commission directive on the Proportionality test

The EU Commission issued a proposal for a Directive (10 January 2017) seeking to add a ‘proportionality test’ to  new professional regulation. Draft European directive on the test of proportionality: the European Council of Podiatrists opposes this directive in the...

FIP-IFP Early Bird special EWMA registration

Register now and save €80-140  Early registration deadline 28th February 23.59 (CET) If you have not already registered for EWMA 2017 remember to register before 28th February 23.59 (CET) Register for EWMA 2017 here Registration fees: Days Description Before 1...

Best wishes!

2016 has been an amazing year for Podiatry worldwide with the successful 2016 World Congress of Podiatry as its highlight. We have seen positive changes and advances in the field of podiatry this last year. We are filled with great optimism...

The FIP-IFP regrets Madame Jennifer Wanner-Marè

Sad news brought by the Swiss Society for Podiatrists (Société Suisse des Podologues) concerning Madame Jennifer Wanner-Marè. She has been very active in the Suisse Society and in the FIP-IFP as the International representative during many years. All who were fortunate...

Matt Garoufalis FIP-IFP President 2016-2018

At its Annual General Meeting on 25 May 2016 the FIP-IFP members elected the new President . Former FIP-IFP Vice-President Matthew Garoufalis has been chosen by his peers to lead and represent the International Federation for the upcoming 2 years. Together...