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Press release: ECP questions Commission directive on the Proportionality test

The EU Commission issued a proposal for a Directive (10 January 2017) seeking to add a ‘proportionality test’ to  new professional regulation.

Draft European directive on the test of proportionality: the European Council of Podiatrists opposes this directive in the interest of patients”

Following the European draft directive on proportionality tests proposed by the European Commission, the European Council of Podiatrists (ECP) recalls that health professions are regulated to ensure the safety and quality of care for the benefit of patients. Podiatrists have received training that guarantees the qualifications required for their skills through a protected professional title and a reserved activity.

Challenging these principles through a method of thoroughly assessing the proportionality of the regulations would entail confusion in the minds of patients and a devaluation of professionals to the detriment of citizens.

The ECP calls for the exclusion of health professionals from this directive and in particular podiatrists.

Full text available here.