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In 2016, The FIP-IFP carried out a review of what have been the achievements of the last year and what will be the main contributors to success during the next four years. The result of these deliberations are culminated in the FIP-IFP Strategic Plan 2016-2020, focusing on three areas fundamental to success:

1/ As an organization created by podiatrists for podiatrists, the aim is to reinforce the community around podiatry worldwide.

2/ The FIP-IFP is the global resource of podiatry on the international scene committed to training and bringing to patients and podiatrists worldwide the innovation that will improve health and the quality of life through knowledge gathering and sharing.

3/ Reinforcing the leadership of the association to increase the profile of the profession and aiming the presence worldwide of a respected podiatry profession.

Six organizational objectives are the underlining processes of the FIP-IFP’ mission:

-Make the FIP-IFP more efficient and financially stronger, and put into place procedures and evaluation by creating a solid internal structure;

-Build a community of interest by enhancing membership opportunities and benefits, and build diverse and durable partnerships supporting the FIP-IFP mission;

-Develop leadership through competent, representative, and democratic leadership with good processes;

-Establish high performant communication and enhance membership services to create overall value for the members;

-Improve advocacy internally and externally through strategic alliances and position the FIP-IFP as a strong and valuable source;

-Develop educational resources to promote podiatry worldwide as an indispensable public health initiative.

Download the outline of the FIP-IFP 2016-2020 Strategic plan outline