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What we do

Since 1947 the International Federation of Podiatrists – Fédération Internationale des Podologues has represented podiatrists and the podiatry profession worldwide. We have seen tremendous changes and advances in the field of podiatry during the course of our history. We are filled with great optimism and excitement, as we reflect on our achievements and look to future opportunities in the field of Podiatry. We see our membership growing and see the dedication of all Podiatrists as they strive to achieve the highest level of podiatric practice and education. We witness governments recognizing the podiatric profession and integrating podiatrists into their health systems.

The International Federation of Podiatrists is in the driver’s seat as the voice for the podiatric professional globally, leading advocacy efforts to promote general foot healthcare, and changing the future of those with foot and ankle ailments.

Our ability to succeed in this endeavor will only be possible through strong partnerships and collaboration. Advances in podiatry are happening around the world, let’s foster more of them, together.


Be part of this movement and celebrate with us International Podiatry Day.

One of our most widely recognized activities of the FIP-IFP is the World Congress of Podiatry, which occurs every three years. In addition to attracting attention around the world, the congress provides the opportunity for colleagues in the podiatry profession to meet one another and expand on their training and knowledge about foot-related matters.

The Academy serves as the FIP-IFP’s primary educational arm which regularly brings together those engaged in the education of podiatrists throughout the world.

The European Council of Podiatrists (ECP) is a FIP-IFP committee and is responsible for promoting the interests and general awareness of the podiatry profession to the European Commission, Parliament, and Council.

World Foot Health Awareness Month Committee (WFHAMC) and its yearly programs : Responsible for increasing the awareness of the importance of foot health among the general public and other health professionals, and of the podiatrist as the practitioner of first choice for foot and ankle care.

Corporate partners

The Corporate partner program : serves as a bridge between the business community and podiatrists worldwide. The FIP-IFP partners with companies offering solutions that address community’s needs in foot healthcare. Business and podiatry leaders convene so they may explore collaborative initiatives and
gain a better understanding of their respective sectors. More info :

The FIP-IFP Seal of Acceptance/Approval Program recognizes products that are beneficial to foot health and of significant value when used in a consistently applied program of daily foot care and regular professional treatment.